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Terms and Conditions

Valid from 2025-01-03

Version 1.0.2





Information about the creditor

Banq Aktiebolag, org no. 559093-4534 with postal address, Kommendörsgatan 30 3 tr, SE-114 48 Stockholm. The company's seat is Stockholm.

Banq is a limited company with permission to conduct certain activities with consumer credits. Information about the Company, its operations as well as products and services is available at The supervisory authority for the company's operations is the Financial Supervisory Authority, Box 7821, SE-103 97 Stockholm.



The product in question is described in point 2 of the product terms and conditions below.


Fees and other costs appear in the general terms and conditions for the product and the Company's price list in force at any given time. With the agreement may follow taxes, fees or costs that are neither paid through nor imposed by the Company


Right of withdrawal

The customer has the right to withdraw from the agreement according to point 18 of the below product terms and conditions within 14 days from the day the agreement was entered into, or from the day the borrower receives the terms of the agreement and other information about this at a later time than when the agreement was entered into.


Language and communication

Terms and conditions and information are provided in English. Communication between the Company and the customer also takes place in English. The customer does not have the right to unilaterally and without the Company's consent during the contract period change the means/means currently used for remote communication, i.e. the way in which the communication between the customer and the Company takes place.


Complaints and dispute management

Complaints regarding the credit should primarily be made to the contact person or unit within the Company that provided the credit. If the customer has complained about the service with the Company but does not accept the Company's assessment in the complaint case, the customer can turn in writing to the Company's complaints manager who investigates the case and gets back to the customer with a written answer. For Banq, the address is: Banq AB, Complaints Officer, Kommendörsgatan 30 3 tr, SE-114 48 Stockholm.

For independent advice, you can contact the Consumers' Banking and Finance Agency,, or the municipal consumer guidance.

If the examination of the customer's complaint, despite contacts with the complaint manager, has not resulted in a satisfactory solution for the customer, the customer can contact the General Complaints Board, Box 174, SE-101 23 Stockholm. A notification to ARN must be in writing. In order for ARN to examine the case, there are, among other things, certain value and time limits. ARN tries impartially and free of charge private individuals' disputes against businesses if the amount the complaint is about exceeds a certain minimum amount and if the notification is made within the specified time. More information and registration form can be found at

Applicable law applicable to the agreement is stated in point 19 of the product terms and conditions below.



When you contact Banq AB, apply for or use one of the Company's services, personal information about you is handled such as name, social security number, contact details, transaction details, account details and other. Partly it is about information you provide yourself, otherwise it can be about information generated internally or retrieved from another source. For information on how we process your personal data, see Banq's Privacy Policy in effect at any time, which is available at


Submission of information to/from credit reporting companies

When applying for credit, the Company will take a credit report. Such information may also be requested on other occasions.



1. Parties

Parties are Banq AB, hereinafter referred to as the Company, and the person or persons who have been granted credit, hereinafter referred to as the borrower.


2. Product description

Pjum Income Advance is an independent credit with straight amortization without collateral. No interest is charged for the first payment period. Current interest for an extension of the credit and fees for the credit are shown in the Company's price list valid at any time.


3. Interest

The borrower must pay interest to the Company based on an annual interest rate calculated on the credit amount outstanding at any given time. No interest is charged for the first payment period. The interest rate that applies when the credit is granted is stated on the promissory note. Information about the applicable interest rates at any time is provided by the Company.

Changes in the interest rate may take place to the extent that it is justified by credit policy decisions, changed borrowing costs for the Company or other cost changes that the Company could not reasonably foresee when the credit was granted.

The company is obliged to apply the above conditions also for the benefit of the borrower. The company notifies the borrower of a changed interest rate before the change takes effect via the company's website.


4. Late payment interest and fees

If payment of capital, interest or fees is not completed on time, the Borrower must pay a special annual default interest on the overdue amount until its payment takes place. On amount that is not due, the agreed interest continues to run. The annual late payment interest is calculated on the overdue amount according to an interest applicable at any time as shown in the Company's price list on the Internet, In addition to late payment interest as above, a reminder fee is payable. The fees applicable at any time are shown in the Company's price list at Internet,


5. The total amount to be paid

The total amount to be paid is the sum of the credit amount and the borrower's total credit costs. The total amount is calculated based on the conditions that apply at the time the promissory note is drawn up. Since the interest rate is variable, the total amount is only an indication of what the total amount will be.


6. Fees and costs

The borrower is obliged, in addition to interest, to pay special fees as compensation for the costs incurred by the Company for the credit. The special fees the borrower must pay to the Company are specified on the borrower's promissory note. Such fee must be paid when the action the fee refers to has been carried out.

The company has the right at any time during the repayment period to decide on an increase of

special fee to the extent that the Company's costs have increased for the measure the fee is intended to cover. The borrower shall also be obliged to pay the Company fees other than those caused by the Company's costs for the credit as such. Such fees are paid in the amounts and according to the other grounds generally applied by the Company at any given time.

The borrower must also reimburse the Company's costs and work to monitor and collect the Company's claim from the borrower or other debtor. Details of applicable fees can be found in the price list in force at any given time. The company has the right at any time during the repayment period to decide on changes to fees according to this paragraph.

If fees are changed by the Company to the creditor's disadvantage, the creditor is notified at least 14 banking days before the change takes effect. The same applies if the Company introduces a fee for the credit. In the event of a change in fees, the borrower has the right to immediately cancel the credit, whereby the credit becomes due for payment. Such termination must be submitted to the Company in writing. The borrower is notified of changed fees through a notice on the company's website.


7. Conditions for utilization of the credit

The credit is disbursed in the manner and at the time agreed upon by the Company and the borrower.


8. Payment

The credit must be repaid monthly and the payment must reach the Company no later than the due date. The application/promissory note states within which time the credit must be repaid to the Company. The payments, which include amortization, interest and fees, must be calculated so that the credit is fully repaid within the specified repayment period.


9. Settlement order

Upon payment, the Company has the right to settle all due fees, costs and interest on the credit to be paid, before settlement of the capital debt takes place.


10. Payment Plan

The borrower has the right, upon request and free of charge during the term of the credit agreement, to receive a summary of when capital, interest and fees are to be paid (payment plan).


11. The company's right to cancel the credit for early payment

The Company has the right to terminate the credit for payment at a time determined by the Company, if any of the following circumstances exist:

11.1. The borrower is then more than a month in arrears with payment of an amount that exceeds ten percent of the credit claim.

11.2. The borrower is then more than one month in arrears with payment of an amount that exceeds five percent of the credit claim and the delay relates to two or more items that are due at different times.

11.3. The borrower is otherwise significantly late with payment.

11.4. It is clear that the borrower avoids paying his credit by deviating, getting rid of property or acting in another way.

If the Company wishes to be paid early in accordance with any of clauses 11.1–3, a notice period of at least four weeks applies from the time the Company sends a notice of termination to the borrower

If the Company has demanded early payment according to any of clauses 11.1–3, the borrower is still not obliged to pay early, if the borrower pays the principal amount, the interest and the fees and costs that are due before the end of the notice period.

If the borrower has previously been exempted from the obligation to pay the credit early with the support of the provisions in the previous paragraph, the provisions in that paragraph do not apply


12. Early payment

The borrower has the right, at any time, to pay the loan in whole or in part early. The company may not claim any compensation for the credit being paid early.

13. Assignment or pledging of the claim

The company has the right to assign or pledge its claim against the creditor, which is based on the promissory note, to another without the creditor's consent. The borrower does not have the right to transfer the payment responsibility to another.

14. Notices, bank day

 Information and messages sent are considered to have reached the borrower as soon as they are made available.

Registered letter about the credit, which the Company sends to the borrower, shall be deemed to have reached the addressee no later than the seventh day after dispatch, if the letter is sent to the address specified in the promissory note or otherwise known to the Company. The borrower must notify the Company of a change of address and telephone number.


15. Limitation of the Company's liability

The company is not responsible for damage caused by to Swedish or foreign legislation, Swedish or foreign authority action, war event, strike, blockade, boycott, lockout or other similar circumstance. The reservation regarding strikes, blockades, boycotts and lockouts applies even if the Company itself takes or is subject to such conflict measures. Damage incurred in other cases shall not be compensated by the Company if it has been normally careful. The Company is not liable in any case for indirect damage, unless the indirect damage was caused by gross negligence on the part of the Company.

If there is an obstacle for the Company to effect payment or to fully or partially take another action according to these general terms and conditions due to a circumstance specified in the first paragraph, the action may be postponed until its obstacle has ended.


16. Right of withdrawal

The borrower has the right to withdraw from the credit agreement by submitting or sending a notice of this to the Company within 14 days from the day the credit agreement was entered into, or from the day the borrower receives agreement terms and other information about this at a later time than at the time of the agreement in detail.

The borrower must pay back the entire credit amount plus accrued interest as soon as possible and no later than within 30 days from the day the borrower left or sent his notice of withdrawal from the agreement. Interest must be calculated from the day the borrower gained access to the credit up to and including the day it is repaid to the creditor.

The Company shall, as soon as possible and at the latest within 30 days from the day on which the Company received the creditor's notification that the agreement is being withdrawn, repay the fees that the creditor has paid in connection with the credit, with the exception of expenses that the Company may have paid to the general public.


17. Change of general conditions

The company reserves the right to change these general terms and conditions. Notification of

changed conditions are submitted to the borrower. If the change is material

for the creditor, the change in terms shall have effect vis-à-vis the creditor from and including the thirtieth calendar day after the day on which the creditor, according to point 14 above, is deemed to have received the notification of the change.

If the creditor does not accept the change, the creditor has the right to immediately cancel the credit, whereby the credit becomes due for payment. Such termination must be submitted to the Company in writing.


18. Complaint

The borrower must immediately report any errors or deficiencies in the performance of the assignment or service provided. The same applies if the creditor considers that the Company has not performed the ordered assignment or service. The borrower is obliged, by checking via the Company's electronic service, to check that reported transactions are consistent with the borrower's transactions. Complaints must be submitted as soon as the borrower discovers or discovers the error. If a complaint is not made as above, the borrower may lose the right to request compensation or demand other measures from the Company. The complaint must be made in writing and sent to Banq AB, Complaints Officer, Kommendörsgatan 30 3 tr, SE-114 48 Stockholm.


19. Applicable Law and Court

Swedish law on marketing has been followed. Swedish law shall apply to this promissory note/credit agreement and if a lawsuit is brought by the Company, the dispute shall be settled by a Swedish court. However, the company has the right to bring an action in another country if the Customer is domiciled there or has assets in that country.

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